#8 June 2010

A word from the President

Dear EFTA colleagues,

Welcome to the 8th EFTA Newsletter. This edition marks my last one as your president, as I step down from my duties at the Paris Congress. It has been my very real pleasure to serve you in this way these past six years. I have watched EFTA grow in significance and influence, in helping systemic thinking and practice to become more visible in our communities and within our policy making organisations. This has been made possible by our developing collective vision and commitment to working across countries and training institutes and in honouring the work of all of us as individual practitioners and as members of different interest groups. I hope to see you in the Paris Congress where we will celebrate the diverse groupings that constitute EFTA and share our experiences of supporting our communities with systemic thinking, research and practice. Thank you all, and a special thank you to Fabienne Dardenne who manages and administers our Newsletter.

Best wishes for the future

Arlene Vetere
President EFTA

Chers collègues d’EFTA,

Bienvenue dans la 8ème Newsletter d’EFTA. Cette édition est la dernière pour moi en tant que présidente puisque mon mandat s’achèvera lors du prochain congrès de Paris. Ce fut un réel plaisir de vous servir de cette façon durant ces six dernières années. J’ai assisté au développement d’EFTA tant en signification qu’en influence, en aidant la pensée systémique et la pratique à devenir plus visible dans nos communautés mais également à l’intérieur de nos organismes d’élaboration des politiques. Cela a été rendu possible grâce au développement de notre vision collective et de notre engagement à travailler dans les différents pays et instituts de formation et en honorant le travail de tous en tant que praticiens individuels et membres de différents groupes d’intérêt. J’espère vous rencontrer au congrès de Paris où nous aurons l’occasion de célébrer les divers groupes qui constituent EFTA et de partager nos expériences de soutien à nos communautés au moyen de la pensée systémique, la recherche et la pratique. Merci à tous et spécialement à Fabienne Dardenne qui gère et administre notre Newsletter.

Avec mes meilleurs voeux pour le futur.

Arlene Vetere
Présidente d’EFTA

Article in several languages (English, Greek)

Relvas, A.P., Escudero V., Sotero L., Cunha, D., Portugal, A., Vilaça, M.

The System for Observing Family Therapy Alliances (SOFTA) and the preliminary Portuguese studies (PDF 136 Kb).

Mitta M. (Greece)

Read the article in Greek (PDF 424 Kb)

Argumentaire / Argumentarium / Memoria / Argumentación

Argumentaire: “Thérapies de Famille et de couple/ thérapies systémiques”

Cet argumentaire (PDF 132 Kb) est le fruit d’une collaboration entre les associations nationales et cantonales suisses de thérapie familiale et systémique et de conseil conjugal (SISTEMICA, ASTHEFIS, SGS, STIRPS, VEF).

Argumentarium : “Familien- und Paartherapien / systemische Therapien”
Dieses Argumentarium (PDF 152 Kb) ist das Ergebnis einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen den nationalen und kantonalen Verbänden für Familien- und systemische Therapie und für Eheberatung (SISTEMICA, ASTHEFIS, SGS, STIRPS, VEF).

Memoria: “Terapie familiari e di coppia/ terapie sistemiche”
Questa memoria (PDF 132 Kb) è il frutto di una collaborazione tra le associazioni nazionali e cantonali svizzeri di terapia familiare e sistemica e consiglio coniugale (SISTEMICA, ASTHEFIS, SGS, STIRPS, VEF).

Argumentación : “Terapias familiares y conyugales/terapias sistémicas”
Esta argumentación (PDF 128 Kb) es el fruto de una colaboración entre asociaciones nacionales y cantonales suizas de terapia familiar y sistémica, y de consejo conyugal (SISTEMICA, ASTHEFIS, SGS, STIRPS, VEF).

Note: Unfortunately, this interesting text has not yet been translated into English. If someone is volunteer to make the translation, please feel free to contact us.

EFTA Minimum Training Standards

Guidelines for training family, systemic therapists, supervisors and institutes at the European Level

These guidelines (PDF 124 Kb) set minimum standards that should be progressively applied by local/national registration and accrediting bodies. (Redraft by the EFTA Training Standards Committee: Luigi Onnis (Chair), Phil Kearney, Javier Bou and Juan Luis Linares).

About France

Décret sur le titre de psychothérapeute/Decree of application of the French law

Le décret sur le titre de psychothérapeute vient d’être publié et doit entrer en vigueur en juillet prochain. Nous vous invitons à lire l’Editorial de la Fédération Française de Psychothérapie et Psychanalyse (FF2P)

French new law about psychotherapy: Decree of application.
Read the summary (PDF 72 Kb) by Serge Ginger (Secretary general of the French National Umbrella for Psychotherapy (FF2P) and Registrar of EAP.

Status of Psychotherapy in Europe

Psychotherapy, an independent profession: A European challenge!

Report on the European situation (PDF 3,6 Mb) by Serge Ginger (Registrar of the European Association for Psychotherapy).

Recent publications / Publications récentes

Biologie et psychothérapie

Cahiers Critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux n°43, Editions De Boeck Université, 12/2009. Plus d’informations

Les humiliations de l’exil

Les pathologies de la honte chez les enfants migrants
Francine Rosenbaum, Edtions Fabert, 01/2010. Plus d’informations (PDF 196 Kb)

From Germany

Systemic Society: Announcement for Sponsoring Prize of the German Systemic Society for 2011

Ausschreibung für den wissenschaftlichen Förderpreis der Systemischen Gesellschaft 2011

Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

beigefügt finden Sie die Ausschreibung für den wissenschaftlichen Förderpreis der Systemischen Gesellschaft (Bewerbungsfrist 15.12.2010/closing date for applications 15 December 2010):

Die SG (Systemic Society) schreibt im Wechsel mit der DGSF (= German Association for Systemic Therapy and Family Therapy) einen wissenschaftlichen Förderpreis (scientific sponsoring prize) aus. Die Ausschreibung (announcement) verfolgt das Ziel (aims), die Relevanz Systemischen Denkens für die therapeutische und beraterische Praxis zu verdeutlichen und die Forschung in diesem Bereich anzuregen. Ausgezeichnet wird die Arbeit, die empirische Forschungsdesigns entwickelt, die eine mit Systemischen Modellen kompatible und innovative Methodik aufweist und die sich auf praxisrelevante Bereiche aus der Therapie, Gesundheitsversorgung, Supervision, Beratung und auf institutionelle Innovationsprozesse am besten bezieht. Der Preis ist mit 3.000,- Euro dotiert. (…).
Questions/more information: Franziska Becker, Office Systemic Society, e-mail

Internet Platform for Systemic Research

The “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Systemische Therapie und Familientherapie (DGSF,, German Society for Systemic Therapy and Family Therapy)” and the “Systemische Gesellschaft (SG,, Systemic Society)” have launched in cooperation with the section medical organizational psychology of the Heidelberg university hospital ( and the “Ochs und Orban GbR, Institut für systemisches Arbeiten und Forschen (, Institute for Systemic Working and Research)” a webpage for systemic research in Germany: is an internet platform with the objective of supporting the development of systemic research for practitioners ans scientists. For that purpose we have:

– a blueprint for guidlines for conducting systemic research
– several contributions of systemic experts concerning the question how to define systemic research
– a discussion forum, where practitioners and scientists discuss topics related to systemic research, for instance systemic research in the context of youth welfare, how to implement systemic research into a child group, self organization concepts as a theoretical base for systemic research, methodological issues and many more.
– a meeting point, where scientists at universities, that carry out systemic research projects, and students, that are looking for opportunities to do a thesis, a dissertation and the like in systemic research can get in touch.
– a list of useful links regadring systemic research

For the next months we have target for instance:

– a literture list concerning relevant systemic research literture
– publishing a quarterly newsletter
– Connecting the webpage of The Family Therapy and Systemic Research Centre of the Tavistock Clinic, London ( with our webpage

For more Information please contact Dr. Dipl. Psych Matthias Ochs, the editor of

From Italy

News from the Società Italiana di Psicologia e Psicoterapia Relazionale (SIPPR)

Gianmarco Manfrida is its new president!

In the elections which have taken place in Bari in January 2010, I, Gianmarco Manfrida, have been elected President of the Italian Society for Relational Psychology and Psychotherapy! The trust of so many colleagues from all over Italy and the help of a board (Francesco Bruni, Allesandro Nolè, Pio Peruzzi, Luigi Schepisi, members; Elena Giachi, Secretary) authoritatively representing different Italian regions and groups is of great encouragement for me and lessens the sense of awe such a great responsibility implies, especially coming after as solid and productive a presidency as Pasquale Chianura’s has been.

The Italian Society is determined to confirm and increase its involvement in EFTA, where it is already well represented by a large number of individual members and training institutes; as a national society with a long tradition of existence and representation in EFTA, we feel part of a European community of therapists inside which we are anxious to take part to new debates, developing together the future of our model of psychotherapeutic work, which refers primarily to a relational view of human nature.

I have already been in the EFTA board at the origins of the association, and I have been an individual member ever since; I am a psychiatrist and I have also studied and got a degree in Psychology; I have worked for many years in the Public Health Service and in private practice; I have experience as head of a large psychiatric unit and administrator of a private centre for family therapy; I am the Director of a training institute and a lecturer at the Universities of Florence and Siena. This multifaced experience (besides understanding and speaking more or less well English, French and Spanish…) should help me to encompass different settings where our practice takes place, and introduce me more swiftly to the different contexts where EFTA representatives and members live and work.

I come back to EFTA as representative of the Italian society with great joy and high expectations, happy to renew old acquaintances and to enter new friendships, and eager to bring there the voice of a country which has given great contributions to the movement of family and relational therapy and many more wants to share!

From Ireland

Family therapy association of Ireland news

The Family Therapy Association of Ireland (FTAI) hold its annual general meeting on 29-30 May 2010. The meeting was preceded by a workshop for members that this year focused on the requirements for Continuous Profesional Development.

FTAI is also delighted to have concluded the process of ratification by the Irish Council of Psychotherapy (ICP) of our training standards as set out by the ECP in the TAC document. FTAI is the first modality within the congregation of members that make up ICP to have its training standards ratified by ICP.

Monica Whyte & Patricia Sully, NFTO Chamber delegates.

7th EFTA Congress Paris October 2010

Un événement majeur / A major event

Chers Amis,

Les préparatifs du congrès à Paris vont de l’avant. Le site est fonctionnel depuis plusieurs mois et permet de s’inscrire et de payer en ligne. Nous finissons la répartition des symposiums, ateliers et communications libres. Nous avons reçu presque 400 propositions venant de 28 pays à travers le monde, signe que l’EFTA est entendue et attendue au delà des frontières de l’Europe.

L’enregistrement de la séance simulée de thérapie familiale est dans la boîte, nous procédons au montage de la vidéo.

La cadence des inscriptions a augmenté considérablement ces dernières semaines mais nous voulons sensibiliser tous les membres de l’EFTA sur l’importance de ce congrès qui sera un grand moment de rencontre et de réflexion sur l’avenir de la thérapie familiale en Europe.

Faites connaître cet événement majeur autour de vous, en particulier dans le champ de l’intervention systémique et de la thérapie familiale.

Le Comité d’Organisation vous remercie de vous y inscrire au plus vite.

Pour le Comité d’Organisation,
Michel Maestre, Président

Dear Friends,

The preparation of the congress in Paris is going ahead. The website has been functional for several months making registration and online payment available. We finished the distribution of the symposia, workshops and brief communications.

We received almost 400 proposals coming from 28 countries throughout the world, signs that the EFTA is heard and awaited beyond the borders of Europe.

The recording of the simulated session of family therapy is in the box, we carry out the video editing.

The number of registrations increased considerably these last weeks but we want to encourage each EFTA member to take part in this important event which will be a great moment of meeting and reflexion on the future of family therapy in Europe.

Please disseminate the information around you and particularly in the field of systemic intervention and family therapy.

Thank you in advance to register. Looking forward to meeting you in Paris.

On behalf of the Organising Committee,
Michel Maestre, President

News from EFTA-CIM / Nouvelles d’EFTA-CIM

Prochain congrès et élection du board / Next congress and election of the Board

Chers Amis,

Le congrès d’EFTA à Paris approche à grands pas. Nous comptons déjà plus de 1000 participants. Ne tardez pas à vous inscrire et surtout puis-je demander aux membres d’EFTA-CIM de poursuivre l’effort pour que les thérapeutes familiaux continuent de s’inscrire. Nous devons arriver à 2000 participants. Le congrès sera excellent tant par ses plénières avec des personnalités passionnantes que par ses symposiums et ses ateliers.

Le congrès est aussi le moment du renouvellement du board. Vous recevrez début septembre le bulletin de vote. Nous comptons beaucoup sur votre participation à ce vote car il est important que le board vous représente.

Bonne lecture de cette newsletter et au plaisir de vous rencontrer à Paris fin octobre.

Jacques Pluymaekers,
Président d’EFTA-CIM

Dear Friends,

The EFTA congress in Paris is coming soon. More than 1000 participants have already registered. Please register without delay. May I ask the EFTA-CIM members to pursue their effort to encourage their colleagues to participate. We must reach the number of 2000 participants. The congress will be excellent as well by its plenary sessions with exciting personalities as by its symposia and workshops.

The congress is also the time to renew the board. You will receive the voting ballot at the beginning of September. We count much on your participation in this vote because it’s important that the board represents the members.

Looking forward to meeting you in Paris.

Jacques Pluymaekers,
Chair of EFTA-CIM

News from EFTA-TIC

An invitation to make your unique contribution to EFTA-TIC

Dear EFTA-TIC members,

As you know the next major EFTA conference will be in Paris, October 29th to 31st, 2010. This conference is an important event in many ways. Your EFTA-TIC Board has been working to contribute to its success, in particular through the work of Michel Maestre as Chair of the Organising Committee. We hope you will join us.

At the conference we will be holding elections for the membership of the TIC Board. At this challenging time for family therapy in Europe it is especially important that we have as strong a field of candidates for the Board as possible.

Attached is a brief account of what the existing Board has been doing until now (PDF 144 Kb). You might feel you want to participate in such activities in future. You might have ideas of other activities that would be important for Institutes such as yours. In both cases, we strongly urge you to stand for election so that your Training Institute can have its say and make its contribution.

Standing for election to the TIC Board is a sign of commitment to TIC, to EFTA and to the future of family therapy training in Europe. We plan to suggest that TIC members who stand for election but are not among those elected, be invited to participate in specific TIC activities according to their particular interests. In this way the Board will, in future, have a wider group to call on to take its work forward. We have also prepared to be able to have the next conference of Training Institutes in Seville, Spain in October, 2011. But it will be for the new Board to decide what to carry forward into the next 3 year period.

If you want to stand for election to the new TIC Board, or to nominate somebody, please refer to the forms on the EFTA-TIC page.

News from EFTA-NFTO

Report of the annual meeting in Lisbon (Portugal)

EFTA-NFTO chamber had its annual meeting this time in beautiful Lisbon in May. Our Portuguese hosts were very generous, thank you once more for them! The meeting had the similar structure as what we have had for the past couple of meetings. After the “warming up”, getting to know each other in the meeting, the board reports to the chamber, then the members of the chamber work around the different topics in working groups. In the last part of the meeting the reports from the working groups are heard, along with reports from the president of EFTA and the General board of EFTA. The meeting is a rich combination of different kinds of collaboration and in this way very fruitful.

Here are some of the topics we discussed this time:

– Research: The EFTA research committee, Mina Todoulou from our board and Professor , Peter Stratton from TIC board talked about the research project, the SCORE 15. Already 18 countries have joined this project of translating and validating the tool.

– Training standards: The updated version of EFTA training standards was discussed in the meeting and feedback for the EFTA training standards committee was given by the chamber.

– NFTO symposium in Paris congress: A working group was preparing a symposium for the next EFTA congress. The topic of the symposium is: Facing the challenges of social change in Europe: thinking outside the box.

– Ethical code: A working group was discussing the updated version of the EFTA ethical code.

– Election of the new board: In Paris congress, the election of the new EFTA board will take place. The deadline for the nominations of the candidates for EFTA-NFTO board was 11th of June and we now have ten candidates. The associations and the federations will receive information in early September about the candidates and about the possibility of voting also in advance, if they are unable to send a representative to Paris congress.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Paris,

On behalf of the EFTA NFTO board
Eija-Liisa Rautiainen, Chair person


Rosmarie Welter-Enderlin passed away.

Rosmarie Welter-Enderlin, the world well known Swiss pionneer family therapist, died April 4, 2010.
Read the obituary (IN GERMAN) by Tom Levold (PDF 48 Kb)
Read the obituary (IN GERMAN) by Bruno Hildenbrand (PDF 128 Kb)

Calendar of Events

IX Congresso Brasileiro de Terapia Familiar (Brazil)

Familia: tempo, limite e sexualidade
Buzios 11 a 14 de agosto de 2010

Contact us

For any contributions, comments,… Do not hesitate to contact us!

President of EFTA: Professor Arlene Vetere
EFTA Secretariat : Fabienne Dardenne